Friday, September 17, 10am @ Online
City Council Hearing — Pack the Zoom Room to PASS Commercial Rent Stabilization for #FairRentNYC. Tell your story. Being there changes everything. RSVP
Tell NY City Council

Pass Commercial Rent Stabilization

Rent closes NYC spaces. Pass #FairRentNYC bill 1796 for #FairRentNYC.

Neighbors of NYC's Shuttered Storefronts Demand #FairRentNYC
"Pass Commercial Rent StabilizationPass Commercial Rent StabilizationPass Commercial Rent Stabilization"
Bushwick, Brooklyn
+ 15,000 Shuttered NYC Storefronts, Dec 2019

I Stand
for Fair Rent NYC

Pass Commercial Rent Stabilization

  • Too many important neighborhood places across NYC are closing due to rent increases. We lose neighborhood culture.
  • New York City Council is considering a rule to limit rent increses for commercial spaces, like we have for housing.
  • Rents would no longer double unfairly. Rent becomes predictable. Fewer speculative evictions stop displacement.
  • 21 City Council Members have signed on. Only 5 more needed for the majority.

  • "I live in the Council Member's District. Pass Commercial Rent Stabilization for #FairRentNYC. Sign on to Bill #1796. Call me back with your plan to #SaveNYCSpaces."
    Calls count, leave a message.

5 more City Council Members needed to pass the #FairRentNYC Bill.

Challenge: Turn the map green.
Call City Council Members who haven't signed on yet at 212-788-7210. Ask them to "pass Commercial Rent Stabilization bill 1796." Council Districts on the map turn bright green as Council Members sign on to #FairRentNYC. Let your favorite neighborhood spot know call City Council and turn the map green for #FairRentNYC.
This bill establishes rights for commercial tenants, so small businesses in our communities can serve and thrive.This bill establishes rights for commercial tenants, so small businesses in our communities can serve and thrive.Time and time again we’ve seen businesses shutter in my district and throughout the city due to rent increases. This bill helps establish basic rights for commercial tenants so the businesses that are a vital part of our communities can continue to serve our communities and thrive.
Stephen Levin, NYC City Council Member
We see thriving community spaces shuttered overnight due to doubling and tripling rents.We see thriving community spaces shuttered overnight due to doubling and tripling rents.We see thriving community spaces shuttered overnight due to doubling and tripling rents. Commercial tenants invest in our neighborhoods, provide work and services, and reflect our culture. Commercial rent stabilization is an important step toward achieving an equitable, diverse, and just city.
Olympia Kazi, NYC Artist Coalition
When you give small businesses a fighting chance, you give whole neighborhoods a fighting chance.When you give small businesses a fighting chance, you give whole neighborhoods a fighting chance.When you give small businesses a fighting chance, you give whole neighborhoods a fighting chance
Shrima Pandey, Chhaya Community Development Corporation
Losing independently-owned small businesses we love, tears at the fabric of communities. We must take bold action now.Losing independently-owned small businesses we love, tears at the fabric of communities. We must take bold action now.Losing the independently-owned small businesses that we love, one after another, tears at the fabric of our communities. If we want to preserve what is best about our communities, amidst skyrocketing rents we must take bold action now.
Brad Lander, NYC City Council Member
As commercial rents go up, venues are driven out of business, destroying opportunities for indie musicians.As commercial rents go up, venues are driven out of business, destroying opportunities for indie musicians.As commercial rents go up, venues are driven out of business, destroying opportunities for musicians.
Andrew Schwartz, Local 802 AFM
Street vendors are the smallest businesses. Commercial Rent Stabilization is the first step in protecting all our small businesses.Street vendors are the smallest businesses. Commercial Rent Stabilization is the first step in protecting all our small businesses.Street vendors are the smallest businesses in NYC. And they’re an essential component of our neighborhoods. The Commercial Rent Stabilization bill is the first step needed in protecting our small businesses.
Mohammed Attia, Street Vendor Project
We support commercial rent stabilization. Landlords should not abuse power against small businesses like ours.We support commercial rent stabilization. Landlords should not abuse power against small businesses like ours.We’re here to support Commercial Rent Stabilization because landlords like ours should not be able to abuse the power against small businesses like ours.
Isabella Rivera, Izzie’s Cheesesteaks
My two stores did not close because of Amazon - my business was thriving. It was because of unreasonable rent.My two stores did not close because of Amazon - my business was thriving. It was because of unreasonable rent.My two stores did not close because of Amazon - my business was thriving. It was because of unreasonable rent.
Natasha Amott, Whisk Kitchen Supply Store
Artists, Cultural Icons, and City Officials Come Together to #SaveNYCSpaces

Packed Town Hall to Save NYC Spaces
